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At Peafield Lane Academy we work hard to achieve attendance levels in accordance with the standards set by Government. Since September 2013 'holidays' in term time are no longer authorised absences and we ask our families to endeavour to keep their children at school whenever possible.

If you choose to take your child out of education for a holiday please fill in a 'Withdrawal from Learning' form which is available at main reception and give us at least 4 weeks notice. removing your child from statutory education, for any period of time is a decision that should not be taken lightly. The necessary forms are not available online as we expect parents to come into school to collect them in person.

Unauthorised absences may lead to a fixed penalty fine being issued by the County Council. If, however, you do need to take your child out of education due to exceptional circumstances, please come in and talk to us and we will endeavor to support you.

If your child is ill then please inform us as soon as possible on the first day, either by ringing the school on 01623 460366, texting us on 07786 208896 or coming into main reception. This will enable us to record your child's absence correctly.

The school day starts at 8.45am and finishes at 3.15pm please encourage your child/ren to be punctual to enable lessons to start promptly. Morning nursery sessions are 8.40am - 11.40am and afternoon nursery sessions are 12.20pm - 3.20pm.


Link to Nottinghamshire County Council Guidance for Attendance, Absence and Truancy
Link to Nottinghamshire County Council Guidance For Taking Holidays in Term Time and Fixed Penalty Notices