Meet Our Team
Senior Leadership Team
Mr C Heathcote
Headteacher and Senior Designated Safeguarding Lead
Miss J Chadburn
Deputy Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs J Cornell
Foundation Stage Lead
Mrs J Jones
Year 1/2 Phase Lead
Mr C Nightingale
Year 3/4 & 5/6 Phase Lead (Key Stage Two)
Miss L Childs
SENDCO, Designated Safeguarding Lead & Inclusion Team Lead
Miss M Rowbotham
Curriculum Lead
Office Team
Mrs K Ryder
School Office Manager
Miss L Smith
Receptionist - If you have any queries, Miss Smith is the person who will answer the phone and direct you to the correct member of staff.
Miss C Reynolds
Finance Assistant
Teaching Staff
Nursery (Foundation Stage 1)
(Age 3-4)
Mrs K Darby
Nursery Teacher (Tuesday- Friday)
Assistant SENDCO/ Attendance Officer
Miss L Childs
Nursery Teacher (Monday)
Miss B Walters
Teaching Assistant - Nursery
Mrs L Rodgers
Teaching Assistant - Nursery
Reception (Foundation Stage 2)
(Age 4-5)
Mrs J Cornell
Class Teacher - Acorns B
Mrs Cornell is our Foundation Stage Leader. She is the best person to speak to about starting school and anything to do with learning in the Early Years.
ECT & SCITT Lead/ Early Reading Lead
Miss C Bodonyi
Class Teacher - Acorns A
DT Lead
Miss V Lilliman
Teaching Assistant - EYFS
Mrs L Sills
Teaching Assistant - EYFS
Miss F Kerry
Care Assistant - EYFS
Infants - Key Stage 1
(Age 5 - 7)
Mrs J Jones
Class Teacher - Rufford
Mrs Jones is our Year 1/2 Phase Lead. She is the best person to speak to about learning in Years 1 and 2.
Teaching & Learning Lead/ Art Lead
Mrs J Chadburn
Class Teacher - Sherwood
Maths Lead/ School Council Lead/ Trust Champion/ Pupil Premium Lead/ PSHE Lead/ Teaching Assistant Lead
Mrs A Burke
Class Teacher - Clumber (Mon-Weds)
Computing Lead
Mrs C Dowsing
Class Teacher - Clumber (Weds- Fri)
Music Lead
Mrs J Hymas
Teaching Assistant - KS1
Miss D Moody
Teaching Assistant - KS1
Mrs R Cash
Teaching Assistant - KS1
Mrs K Pickup
Teaching Assistant - KS1
Mrs N Woodward
Care Assistant (Supply) - KS1
Lower Juniors - Lower Key Stage 2
(Age 7-9)
Mr Nightingale (Dukeries) is our Year 3/4 Phase Leader. He is the best person to speak to about learning in Years 3 and 4.
Miss C Salmon
Class Teacher (Supply) - Thoresby
Miss N Trolley
Class Teacher - Welbeck
Geography Lead/ Pupil Parliament Lead
Miss A Fairlee
Class Teacher - Birklands
Mrs K Kirk
Teaching Assistant - Year 3/4
Mrs A Taylor
Teaching Assistant - Year 3/4
Mrs T Wilkinson
Care Assistant (Supply) - Year 3/4
Upper juniors - Upper Key Stage 2
(Age 9 - 11)
Mr C Nightingale
Class Teacher - Dukeries
Mr Nightingale is our Year 5/6 Phase Leader. He is the best person to speak to about learning in Years 5 and 6.
Behaviour & Culture Lead/ English Lead/ Educational Visits Coordinator
Mr J Annable
Class Teacher - Harlow
PE Lead
Miss M Rowbotham
Class Teacher - Newlands
Curriculum Lead/ British Values & SMSC Lead/ Science Lead/ Languages Lead/ RE Lead
Mrs L Green
Teaching Assistant - Year 5/6
Mrs P Darby
Teaching Assistant - Year 5/6
Miss K Howard
Care Assistant - Year 5/6
Lunchtime Staff
Mrs E Kelly
Lead Midday Supervisor
Mrs C Ward
Midday Supervisor
Mrs T Wilkinson
Midday Supervisor
Miss K Howard
Midday Supervisor
Miss A Poxon
Midday Supervisor
Mrs S Wilson
Midday Supervisor
Mrs N Woodward
Midday Supervisor
Miss K Williams
Midday Supervisor
Mrs J Toon
Midday Supervisor
Mrs Z Smyth
Midday Supervisor
Kitchen Staff
Mrs J Moncaster (Notts CC)
School Cook
Mrs Z Smyth (Notts CC)
Kitchen Staff
Miss S Gregory (Notts CC)
Kitchen Staff
Premises Staff
Mr R Green
Site Manager
Mrs J Green (Notts CC)
Mrs C Ward
Miss K Williams (Notts CC)