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Welcome & Values

Peafield Lane Academy, in Mansfield Woodhouse, Nottinghamshire is a popular, large school with a fantastic reputation. Children come here from all over Mansfield and beyond to experience an exciting education that we are exceptionally proud of. 


What We’re About

Whilst we believe that education should be fun and that coming to school should be an enjoyable experience for all of our children, we take the issue of learning very seriously.

It is our duty to ensure our children are ready to flourish at secondary school and have the capacity to be successful in what will be their modern Britain. For this to happen they must:

  • reach high standards of literacy and numeracy;
  • have a keen sense of what it is to be 'British' in a Britain that celebrates the differences we all have in our life choices, relationships and opinions;
  • love learning;
  • love life.

Staff work extremely hard to ensure that all of our children’s potential is both recognised and realised.

No child at Peafield Lane should slip through the net. We firmly believe that ALL children should be able to read and write by the time they start secondary education, regardless of their starting point in life.

Our Core Values


Focusing, not on just the results our children can attain by the time they reach the end of year 6, but on the people they will become as they move on through their lives. Developing children’s self esteem so that they have a genuine feeling of self worth and an appreciation of their role in society. There is a strong emphasis on curriculum relevance, of pupil-voice and ensuring our children know about the world and their place in it.


People who are responsible for themselves, their actions and for others around them. When one child falls over in the playground another will pick them up and brush them down. The children at Peafield Lane genuinely care for each other and for their environment. When someone is down, another child will pick them up. Children take a pride in their work and that of others, they are able to reflect and to suggest and facilitate improvement.


The people at Peafield Lane try their very best at everything they do. Targets are always ambitious and there is a clear understanding that the journey is at least as important as the destination. Peafield Lane is a school that strives for excellence in all that it does and for our children to become the best people they can be.


Love life, love each other and love yourself. Effort is put into making lessons enjoyable and encouraging large and fluid groups of friends. If a child is not worried about who they are going to play with at break-time and looks forward to being in school then they can give their full attention to working hard in exciting and interesting lessons. The school makes no apology for the fact that our children sometimes go home with muddy knees after they've been rolling down the hills we made for them at playtime, or exploring in the nearby woodland, or digging up carrots in our allotment, or... the list of enjoyable activities that we encourage our children to 'get stuck in' with is endless!